Friday 25 January 2013

Collaboration in Agile

How Collaboration is placed with in Agile Manifesto?
One of the methodologies in Agile Manifesto is very effective and famous for promoting “collaboration” and is better known as Daily Scrums AKA Daily Standups.
These meeting are very simple but very effective ensuring teams to communicate effectively. This methodology ensures that the team is committed to deliver short term goals to realize the Business Objective or the “Big Picture”.
There is a proposed format of the Scrum or daily standups where the team discusses 3 vital questions:
  • What did you do yesterday?
  • What will you do today?
  • Are there any impediments in your way?
In a way if we look at the format it covers the Past/Present & Future of the Project ensuring that the team should have a 360 degree view of where they are heading towards

Who all should be involved in the daily Scrums:
  • Project Team
  • Scrum Master
  • Product Owner
  • Client
(I will touch upon Scrum Master/Product Owner in my future blogs)

How Daily SCRUM is placed with in the Agile Manifesto (SCRUM)?

Let’s understand what is SCRUM?
Scrum is an iterative process that demands a complete fully functional work product towards the end of the 3 or 4 week long Sprint (Mini Projects usually). Sprints will occur whenever there is still work defined in the Product Backlog (Project Roadmap).

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